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Monday 30 September 2013

Will curry leaves prevent Cancer?

Curry leaf is an essential ingredient in Indian cooking but we all remove it from our food the moment we see it. Actually, it has got numerous health benefits which we need to consider. These curry leaves are obtained from a tropical tree of the family ‘Rutaceae’ which is a native tree of India.  They are capable of treating many illnesses in Ayurveda. In fact, the ancient medical science of Ayurveda used curry leaves in treating of different health conditions like gastric disturbances, kidney disorders, indigestion and bruises.

Composition and dosage: Curry leaves contain phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, B3 and iron. These leaves are having steam distillation which yields volatile oils and compounds like koenigin as it is responsible for the medicinal value. They are available as dried leaves, poultice, juice and powder. Indeed, the dose of the curry leaves will be based on the age of the patient and the condition of the treatment.

Effect on Cancer cells: Compounds like murrayacoumarin B in curry leaves inhibits the growth of Cancer cells and many studies have shown this. They also have important anti-tumor properties which help in preventing stomach and skin cancer. Curry leaves reduce the incidence of cancer cells in the stomach and skin tissues. They increase the body’s own antioxidants like superoxide dismutase which prevents cancer. The chemical agent called, Mahanin which is considered to be fatal for cancer cells in our body. They are even used as medicines in treating of prostate cancer patients. 

Other Health benefits:

Diabetes: Curry leaves are used in the treatment of diabetes because it reduces the weight and reduces the level of sugar in blood.

Kidney disorders: The juice of the roots of curry leaves is useful for the treatment of kidney disorders.

Eyesight: Its juice is very essential in improving the eyesight and prevention of cataract.

Hair: Coconut oil along with the boiled curry leaves are useful for hair tonic, growth and the natural pigmentation of hair.

Burns: Curry leaves can be applied as a poultice for the effective treatment of burns and skin eruptions.

Note: You must consult the doctor before using the curry leaves in the prevention of Cancer. Tell him/ her also about any pre-existing conditions and any other medicines you are using currently.       

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