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Tuesday 24 September 2013

The essential fruits that boost our Immune system

There are different varieties of fruits which boost our Immune system like:



Lemons are super versatile and contain numerous health benefits. Lemons naturally cleanse the body, and the antifungal and antiseptic qualities help kill germs. Lemons provide a wealth of vitamins and minerals, including lots of vitamin C, and have been shown to slow the rate of cancer growth. Lemons also help balance the acidity in your body, which is great for boosting your immune system.



Eating apples is like giving your body a mini-cleanse. Apples are rich in the fiber pectin, which binds cholesterol, toxins, and heavy metals to move them out of your body. Apples clean out your colon, keeping it healthy, which makes your skin glow.


Oranges contain beta sitosterol, which has been shown to prevent tumor growth and lower blood cholesterol. The versatility of oranges allows you to enjoy this high-fiber fruit on its own or in some savory dishes or drinks!


      Mango is a delicious tropical fruit that’s loaded with beta carotene; the precursor to vitamin A. Vitamin A is antiviral and important for immune function. Mango is also one of the only fruit sources of vitamin E, which protects against cell damage and boosts disease-fighting antibodies.


      The healing ability of cantaloupe comes from its beta carotene. Vitamin A plays a big hand in producing white blood cells to fight disease. Also rich in vitamin C, this fruit helps protect against colds, cancer, and heart disease.


      Pomegranates have antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory abilities. The juice and the seeds of this fruit stop tumor cells from growing, spreading, or creating blood supplies. Pomegranates lower blood pressure, improve heart health, reverses atherosclerosis, and improve depression.


        Grapes strengthen your capillaries, so they’re a powerful natural remedy to improve circulation and prevent heart disease. Grapes are high in antioxidants, keeping your cells healthy and free from the damage that causes disease. Grapes are another detoxifying immune-building fruit, detoxifying the skin, liver, kidney, and intestines. When you buy grapes, reach for the red grapes instead of the white. Red grapes contain more anthocyanins, which are the antioxidants found in grapes that make them so immune building.


      Cherries contain a powerful compound that blocks cancer cells from developing. Rich in antioxidants, cherries help you fight disease, viruses, and bacteria. The anti-inflammatory nature of cherries provides relief to inflammatory diseases like arthritis.


       The protein-digesting enzyme in pineapple called bromelain is responsible for all pineapple’s wonderful qualities. Bromelain’s power comes from reducing inflammation. Injuries, digestive discomforts, sinusitis, arthritis, as well as any inflammatory condition are supported by the use of pineapple. It tastes good, too!


      Berries like blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, and strawberries are the top immune-boosting fruits. These fruits contain phytochemicals (natural plant chemicals) that give them their vibrant colors, called anthocyanins. Berries are flooded with antioxidants, are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and are also high in fiber. They provide all this nutrition and are low in natural sugars to boot! They suppress the growth of several cancers and colds, reduce high blood pressure, and prevent strokes, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

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