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Thursday 5 September 2013

How to use wheat grass in our daily life and its benefits?

1.  For a healthy person - a good mouthful (fairly well stuffed) and more if you wish should be taken early morning and chewed until the remaining cud in the mouth is almost white. This can be eaten or thrown out. (Constipated people are advised to eat the cud as it provides roughage for a better bowel movement). 
If being taken in juice form, a healthy person can take 1/4 to 1/3 of a glass every day. But remember that the juice must be drunk immediately on juicing. 

2.   For a sick person - 1/4 to 1/2 glass of wheat grass juice is required to start with. If possible this should be spread over 2 to 3 times during the day - the important thing of course being to drink the juice soon after juicing. The quantity should be gradually increased to about 8 ounces a day (approx. one glass full). 

3.   Wheat can be crushed thoroughly and applied externally on Cancers and Ulcers as a poultice. 

4.   Wheatgrass juice can be used as a rectal implant for cleansing and rejuvenating. Use an enema syringe to implant the juice in the rectum. Try and retain it for 20 minutes. 

5.   Wheat grass juice is also effective as an eye-bath (using an eye-cup). 

How does wheat grass help our system? 

Wheatgrass is almost like a blood transfusion and it is a wonderful cleanser and rejuvenator which means it helps your body to throw out toxins that have built up over the years and helps it replace old dead cells with new cells; these are the two essential factors that cause disease in our bodies and which wheat grass sets right.

In chronic ailments including cancer, there may be an attempt by the body to throw out accumulated toxins which could result in diarrhoea or vomiting. Both these conditions are to be WELCOMED. If this does happen, cut down on the quantity of wheat grass juice being consumed in half and use it diluted. Gradually begin to increase the quantity as the body begins to handle the removal of toxins in a more gentle way. 

Wheatgrass’ help can become an important part of all our lives. Let us grow wheat grass in abundance and make it available to chronically sick patients especially those suffering from cancer, AIDS, asthma and kidney failure. 

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