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Wednesday 13 August 2014

Health Benefits of Peaches

Peach is a widely adored delicious juicy fruit. It is origins from China and now popular in all over the world. The health benefits of peaches are merely known to its regular eater. Peaches are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidant and other chemical contents.

Protection against Toxins

Peaches are a great way to cleanse out toxins from your colon, kidneys, stomach and liver. The high fibre content pushes out any toxic excess waste matter from your colon, and helps protect against colon cancer. Peaches are also rich in potassium which reduces kidney related diseases and reduces your chance of developing ulcers.

For Weight Loss:

Including lots of fresh ripe juicy fruit in your diet is a great way to help control your hunger and lose weight. Peaches contain natural fruit sugars, so they do not raise your blood sugar. The sweetness of this fruit also controls any food cravings you may have, so it is a win-win situation!

Fights Cancer   

Peaches are incredibly high in antioxidants. Particularly, they contain an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid (concentrated in the skin and flesh of the peach) which is known to protect the body from cancer and other chronic diseases. This antioxidant is also responsible for reducing inflammation in the body (helping those suffering from arthritis) and helps slow the aging process.

Cardiovascular Health

Peaches are high in iron and vitamin K which are two important substances for keeping the heart healthy. Vitamin K prevents the blood from clotting and protects against a myriad of heart diseases. Iron keeps the blood healthy and strong and prevents against iron-deficiency anemia. The lycopene and lutein in peaches also significantly reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Kidney Cleansing

The potassium in peaches are great for reducing kidney related diseases and helps to cleanse your bladder. The concentration of potassium and other vitamins in this amazing little fruit allows your body to maintain normal kidney and liver function. Eating peaches will help prevent nephritis and a variety of other kidney diseases as well as help eliminate kidney stones. 

       Peaches Fruit Nutrition Facts

Tips to Prepare Peaches

Now, let’s look into how you can prepare peaches

  1. You can slice a peach and then remove the seeds. Now, mix and serve with a few drops of lemon juice.

  2.  Take the peaches and dip into the boiling water for a minute. Now, immediately take the peaches and dip into water. Then, serve as fruit salad and fruit cocktail after peeling out the skin.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about benefits of peach. Please keep sharing.
    Health Benefits Of Peaches Juice
