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Friday 29 August 2014

AUM Chanting and its Benefits

Can you pronounce some word without using your tongue? A U M is the three different words can be pronounced without using our tongue.  This AUM is called as Pranava Mantra. Now-a-days in most of the Vedic chants AUM is pronounced as OM. But it is not correct pronunciation. A U M is the correct pronunciation. In some places, this OM chanting is called as OMKAR chanting. OM or AUM is the most important and significant word of Mantra tradition. It is considered as the root mantra in all Vedas. All other words we are speaking are mixture of this basic three words AUM.  AUM is a typical combination of words which affects the surrounding and human beings through the vibrations. AUM should be chanted for the enormous number of times to get the results. We can get many health benefits of chanting this AUM. AUM chanting is prescribed as a cornerstone in any yoga therapy program due to its outstanding healing benefits.

How to do AUM chanting

Aum is a universal mantra for all people and one not need the initiation of a master or guru to reap its endless benefits. Sit comfortably either in Padmasana or Artha Siddhasana or Sukhasana. Place your hands upon your thighs, and palm’s facing upwards. Hold Yoga Mudra in both hands and eyes should be closed. Inhale slowly through your nose, once your lungs are full exhale from your mouth by pronouncing AUM until your full breath come out from the lungs. All three word, chanting should be approximately equal in time. While chanting Aaaaaa focus vibration one inch below your navel. It is the Manipura Chakra, one of the seven chakras in the human body. When you chant Uuuuuu focus vibration in the chest area. It is the Anahata Chakra. After that close your mouth and chant Mmmmmm. When chanting focus vibration in your throat and nose.  Similarly, continue the deep inhalation by the nose and exhalation through the mouth with chanting AUM. For the better health benefits this chanting to be done 15 minutes in morning and 15 minutes in the evening.

Benefits of AUM Chanting

AUM chanting is a potent tonic which increases the efficiency of the human organism in a profound manner.

By chanting this word OM or AUM one can achieve ultimate self-realization.

The repetition of Aum leads to excellent mental and physical health.

This chant helps to improve the production of endorphin so making you feel relaxed and refreshed every time.

It has positive effects for cardiac, vascular health, lowering blood pressure and increasing efficiency of all the cells and organs in the body.

In essence AUM relaxes and rejuvenates the mind, increasing concentration and memory, therefore the ability to learn.

It relives the stress levels by supplying more oxygen to the body. So you get relief from stress related headaches.

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