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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Top 10 Foods That Will Boost Your Immune System

You may be sabotaging your immune system without even knowing it. Proper dieting, and consuming a blend of foods, and choosing the right nutrient rich foods, are all important to ensure the immune system is very healthy, and to help keep illnesses away. When choosing foods to include in the diet, these are 10 foods to boost your system for you to consider adding to the diet, to ensure the proper immune health, and to get the most out of your diet, and will help you to stay as healthy as possible year round.

1. Garlic – There have been quite a few studies showing that garlic has antibacterial properties and antiviral properties. The garlic can also help in stimulating the production of white blood cells in the body, and it is also going to work as an antioxidant in your system. And, if you are not a fan of the strong taste, you can always mask it into the dishes you are cooking, by chopping, dicing, and smashing the cloves, before adding them to a dish.

2. Grapefruit – The high vitamin C content in red or pink grapefruits makes them essential to fighting off the common cold, or other illnesses. The rosy color is also an indicator that the fruit has a high number of bioflavanoids, and these are essential phytonutrients to your system. The high vitamin C content produces reactions in the body, and an immunity boost to your system.

3. Mushrooms – Selenium and antioxidants are highly found in button mushrooms. High in vitamin B content and niacin levels, also play a role in helping to keep your system safe. Antiviral and antibacterial properties have also been noted in several studies that have been done on animals, giving yet a few more reasons to consume them in high quantities, if you are looking to protect the immune system.

4. Veggies (make them bright) – Cartenoids are very important antioxidants which aid in proper immune system function. Greens, reds, yellows, and orange, are all great colors to consider when choosing vegetables; going with a variety is going to give you a variety of carotenoids, which is important to help with immune boosting capabilities. The more color and variety you can get in your diet, the better.

5. Cauliflower – Cruciferous veggies, including this, broccoli and sprouts, are high in antioxidant vitamins, which are key to helping improve overall health. Choline is also highly found in these vegetables, which helps to keep your cells properly functioning in the body, and helps support gastrointestinal health as well; this in turn keeps bacteria out of your system, meaning fewer illnesses that you are going to contract. Glutathione is also found in cauliflower, which is a powerful vitamin with the high antioxidant count, and is great for warding off illnesses.

6. The Acai berry – Known for its weight loss capabilities, the super food is also one that is extremely high in antioxidant levels as well. Although the fruit is not specifically linked to being an immune system aid, the very high levels of antioxidants that are found in this berry, make it one of the top choices to include in the mix, and to consume as a part of your diet, if you are trying to ward off the worst illnesses, and keep the body as healthy as possible at all times.

7. Nuts – Not only are they extremely high in protein content, they are also packed with healthy fats that are essential to a healthy diet, and they are high in Vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, and very rich in antioxidant levels, which is a common theme among the foods that are best as immune system guards. By consuming nuts on a regular basis, you are also going to find that they can aid in fighting chronic illnesses over a period of time, especially when consumed with a healthy diet and eating plan.

8. Eat the yolk – Although there are mixed reactions about eating egg yolks, they do have their benefits to your diet. As an extremely high in protein content, high levels of zinc and selenium, and other important minerals, all of these things are beneficial to helping with immune system health. Although they are higher in cholesterol when consumed in moderation, and when eaten along with the right foods, egg yolks do have their benefits, and they can help fight the common cold, and other immune system deficiencies and illnesses that you would like to fight.

9. Oysters – It is a well-known aphrodisiac, but they are also great at helping you build a healthy system. The highest levels of mineral zinc found in oysters, are great to boost your overall immune system health. Zinc has certain antiviral components, and this is something that is essential when you are trying to keep illnesses at bay. It is also great at helping to cure and lessen the severity of wounds, and blood clotting; these are all beneficial components that zinc brings to the diet, and oysters are very high in the amount of zinc that you are going to get per serving that you consume.

10. Yogurt – Live cultures that are found in yogurt, are going to be able to help protect the intestinal tract against gastrointestinal illnesses, and will help to build up an immunity in your system against certain illnesses. From preventing the common cold, to having properties that have been found to help fight certain ailments, even cancer, you can’t go wrong with adding this power food into your diet regime. Not only is it tasty, and helps to fight off illness, it is extremely high in protein, which is another beneficial factor when you are trying to remain as healthy as possible, and fight common illnesses in the system

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Rambutan

Rambutan is a topical fruit whose scientific term is Nephelium Laapaceum. Rambutan is believed to have originated in Indonesia and is now widely found in Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Ecuador, Australia and America. In India, Rambutan fruit is available mostly in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.  Rambutans are small red color fruits with spiky hair on the skin. It has a sweet, juicy flesh which is slightly acidic and small brown colored seeds whose oil is used in a number of industries. Rambutans are available in two colors, red and yellow.

Health Benefits of Rambutan:

Rambutan is a healthy food and is a great substitute for processed snack foods. Rambutan health benefits are not just limited to the fruit but are derived from other elements as well, like fruit, rind, bark and leaves. Here is a list of the rambutan benefits.

1. Treatment of Different Ailments:
This fruit is a traditional medicine in Malaysia and Indonesia that is being used for hundreds of years. It is used in a number of treatments which includes diabetes, hypertension and various other ailments.

2. Boosts Energy:
The carbohydrates and protein content of rambutan help to increase energy and prevent bloating. Rambutan is also rich in water which helps to get back the lost energy and quenches thirst.

3. Absorption of Micro-Nutrients:
Vitamin C in Rambutan helps in the absorption of minerals, iron and copper. It also protects the body from getting damaged from free radicals.

4. Eliminates Free Radicals:
One of the main compounds of rambutan is Gallic acid. This compound behaves like a free radical scavenger that protects our body from oxidative damage and is particularly helpful to fight cancer.

5. Generation of White and Red Blood Cells:
This fruit contains moderate amounts of copper which is necessary for the creation of white and red blood cells. It also contains manganese which our body needs to produce and activate enzymes.

6. Removes Waste From Kidney:
Phosphorus in rambutan helps to remove the waste in kidneys and is essential for the development, repair, and maintenance of tissues and body cells. Rambutan also contains significant amounts of Calcium which works together with phosphorus to fortify the teeth and strengthens bones.

7. Source of Iron:
Rambutans are an excellent source of iron which helps to correct the amount of oxygen in the body which controls dizziness and fatigue due to anemia, an illness caused by iron deficiency.

8. Good Fiber Content:
Rambutan has good fiber content and is low in calories. The fruit keeps us full for a long time due to its high fiber and water content and controls irregular hunger pangs. This also aids in weight reduction.

9. Treating Common Illnesses:
Rambutan is also good for treating common illnesses like headache, thrush and dysentery. For headache, the leaves are used as a poultice on the temples. This calms the nerves and reduces headache. A decoction of the bark is applied on the tongue to treat thrush. A decoction of roots is used to lower fever.

10. Antiseptic Properties:
The other health benefits of Rambutan is in its antiseptic qualities. It helps to fight the body infection which invades our body.

11. Kills Parasites:
Besides nutritional benefits, rambutan also offers therapeutic functions. Consuming the fruit can help to kill intestinal parasites and helps to relieve symptoms of diarrhea and fever.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Top 10 Most Unhealthy Cancer Causing Foods

The statement "everything causes cancer" has become a popular hyperbole, and one that some people use as rhetorical fodder to excuse their own dietary and lifestyle failures, particularly as they pertain to cancer risk. But the truth of the matter is that many common food items have, indeed, been scientifically shown to increase cancer risk, and some of them substantially. Here are 10 of the most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods that you should never eat again:

1) Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). It goes without saying that GMOs have no legitimate place in any cancer-free diet, especially now that both GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to cause rapid tumor growth. But GMOs are everywhere, including in most food derivatives made from conventional corn, soybeans, and canola. However, you can avoid them by sticking with certified organic, certified non-GMO verified, and locally-grown foods that are produced naturally without biotechnology.

2) Processed meats. Most processed meat products, including lunch meats, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh and appealing, but that can also cause cancer. Both sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate have been linked to significantly increasing the risk of colon and other forms of cancer, so be sure to choose only uncured meat products made without nitrates, and preferably from grass-fed sources.

3) Microwave popcorn. They might be convenient, but those bags of microwave popcorn are lined with chemicals that are linked to causing not only infertility, but also the liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancers. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes the perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in microwave popcorn bag linings as "likely" carcinogenic, and several independent studies have linked the chemical to causing tumors. Similarly, the diacetyl chemical used in the popcorn itself is linked to causing both lung damage and cancer.

4) Soda pop. Like processed meats, soda pop has been shown to cause cancer as well. Loaded with sugar, food chemicals, and colorings, soda pop acidifies the body and literally feeds cancer cells. Common soda pop chemicals like caramel color and its derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) have also specifically been linked to causing cancer.

5) 'Diet' foods, beverages. Even worse than conventional sugar-sweetened soda pop, though, is "diet" soda pop and various other diet beverages and foods. A recent scientific review issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of more than 20 separate research studies found that aspartame, one of the most common artificial sweeteners, causes a range of illnesses including birth defects and cancer. Sucralose (Splenda), saccharin and various other artificial sweeteners have also been linked to causing cancer.

6) Refined 'white' flours. Refined flour is a common ingredient in processed foods, but its excess carbohydrate content is a serious cause for concern. A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention found that regular consumption of refined carbohydrates was linked to a 220 percent increase in breast cancer among women. High-glycemic foods in general have also been shown to rapidly raise blood sugar levels in the body, which directly feeds cancer cell growth and spread.

7) Refined sugars. The same goes for refined sugars, which tend to rapidly spike insulin levels and feed the growth of cancer cells. Fructose-rich sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are particularly offensive, as cancer cells have been shown to quickly and easily metabolize them in order to proliferate. And since cookies, cakes, pies, sodas, juices, sauces, cereals, and many other popular, mostly processed, food items are loaded with HFCS and other refined sugars, this helps explain why cancer rates are on the rise these days.

8) Conventional apples, grapes, and other 'dirty' fruits. Many people think they are eating healthy when they buy apples, grapes, or strawberries from the store. But unless these fruits are organic or verified to be pesticide-free, they could be a major cancer risk. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that up to 98 percent of all conventional produce, and particularly the type found on its "dirty" fruits list, is contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides.

9) Farmed salmon. Farmed salmon is another high-risk cancer food, according to Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany. According to his assessment, farmed salmon not only lacks vitamin D, but it is often contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), flame retardants, pesticides, and antibiotics.

10) Hydrogenated oils. They are commonly used to preserve processed foods and keep them shelf-stable. But hydrogenated oils alter the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body, which can lead to a host of debilitating diseases such as cancer. Some manufacturers are phasing out the use of hydrogenated oils and replacing them with palm oil and other safer alternatives, but trans fats are still widely used in processed foods

Saturday, 20 December 2014

9 Best Foods for Diabetes and Blood Sugar

Some foods have a bigger impact on your blood sugar than others. Knowing which ones are the best for keeping blood sugar levels steady is especially important when you have diabetes, but it's a good idea for everyone. Your dietary goal is to choose foods that help keep your blood sugar level on an even keel. That typically means whole, minimally processed foods. Here are 10 of the best foods that stabilize your blood sugar, so you can better manage your diabetes.

Load Up on Spinach

Looking for a diabetes-friendly food? Follow Popeye's example. Spinach, kale, chard, and other leafy greens are loaded with vitamins, such as folate; minerals, such as magnesium; a range of phytonutrients; and insoluble fiber -- all of which have virtually no impact on your blood sugar level. Mark Hyman, MD, author of The Blood Sugar Solution (Little, Brown and Company), calls leafy greens "free foods," which means you should eat as many of them as you can. Bonus: The fiber in leafy greens will slow absorption of any carbohydrates (e.g., Potatoes or bread) they’re paired with, resulting in a healthier overall glycemic load.

Go Nuts

Nuts of all sorts -- walnuts, pecans, take your choice are great for controlling blood sugar. Despite their diminutive size, nuts are power packages of protein, unsaturated (healthy) fat, and fiber. Those three factors have a positive impact on blood sugar levels. In a recent study, participants who ate 2 1/2 ounces of nuts daily had an 8% decrease in their A1C levels. Keep in mind that nuts also pack plenty of calories. Your best bet is to substitute nuts for high-carbohydrate foods, such as croutons or pretzels. Sprinkle them on yogurt and salads, or nibble them for a snack.

Open a Can of Sardines

When you have diabetes, you want to land fish on your plate, especially fatty, cold-water fish. Sardines and other small, fatty fish are high in essential omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies can only get from the food we eat. Sardines and other omega-3-rich fish help in a couple of ways: They're a great source of fat and protein to slow absorption of blood sugars, and they help protect your cardiovascular system, which irregular blood sugar fluctuations that can come with diabetes can damage. The healthy fat in sardines is good for your brain, too, and may help fend off Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Try Chia Seeds

High in protein, fiber and omega-3s, chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. The flour made from these nutty seeds is a great addition to a diabetes-friendly kitchen. “It actually lowers blood sugar due to the fiber and omega-3 fatty acid content,” says Amy Jamieson-Petonic, RD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and director of coaching at Cleveland Clinic. And Chia seeds may help reduce belly fat -- the kind that contributes to insulin resistance. Substitute a quarter of your regular flour with Chia flour (and experiment with higher ratios) in just about any baked good. Order the flour online, find it at health-food stores, or grind Chia seeds in a food processor.

Sprinkle on Cinnamon

If you have diabetes, be sure there's cinnamon in your spice rack. Studies have shown that as little as a teaspoon of cinnamon a day may significantly decrease fasting blood glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. There are lots of ways to add more cinnamon to your diet. Sprinkle some in your coffee, stir it into your morning oatmeal, or add it to rubs for chicken or fish.

Love Your Lentils

Lentils are smart legumes when managing your blood sugar. They contain a good amount of starch (normally a no-no when managing blood sugar), which gives them a satisfying, hearty creaminess. Lentils are also packed with both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble fiber turns into a gel-like consistency during digestion, which slows absorption of the sugar molecules in the starch. Insoluble fiber passes through the digestive tract without "registering" as a carbohydrate, while slowing down the whole digestive process so you stay satisfied and your blood sugar remains steady.

Dip Into Hummus

Hummus, a Middle Eastern specialty, is a great addition to a diabetes-friendly plate. The fiber and protein in chickpeas -- 12 grams of dietary fiber and 15 grams of protein per cup -- help regulate the absorption of the sugars from the starch so your blood sugar stays on an even keel. The healthy fats from the tahini (made from ground sesame seeds) and olive oil slows the absorption of sugars even more. Pair your hummus with vegetables and whole-grain crackers for an even greater effect.

Make Room for Quinoa

Quinoa is a super grain for many reasons: It’s one of the few non-animal proteins, that's considered a "complete protein" in that it has all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build protein molecules. Plus, quinoa is a whole grain with germ, endosperm, and bran intact, bringing a host of nutrients and healthy fat to the mix. Even better, all those benefits come with very little impact on your blood sugar level. A half-cup of cooked quinoa ranks just under 10 (that's low!) On the glycemic load scale. It's easy to add quinoa to meals. Try using it in place of white rice as a side.

Switch to Whole-Grain Pasta

Think comforting bowls of pasta are off the menu because you have diabetes? Think again. "Whole-grain pastas are a great source of B vitamins and fiber, and reduce inflammation in the blood vessels," says Jamieson-Petonic says. However, this food does come with a couple warning flags. First, overcooking pasta raises its glycemic load (follow the package directions and pull the pasta off the heat when it's al dente). Second, beware of portion size. A good bet is to pair 1/2 to 1 cup of cooked pasta with a bevy of vegetables and a bit of lean protein and healthy fat for a dish that's easy on your blood sugar.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Top 10 Health Benefits of Papaya

Papayas are popular all over the world and for good reason. The tropical fruit is loaded with nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K, as well as niacin, magnesium, potassium, protein, carotene, and natural fiber. Every part of a papaya tree, from the fruit to the leaves, contains some medicinal properties.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of papaya.

1. Protects Against Heart Disease
Regular consumption of papayas can prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Papayas are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E, all very powerful antioxidants.
These three nutrients help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes. Papayas are also a good source of fiber, which can be very helpful in lowering high cholesterol levels.

2. Improves Digestion
The high amount of the digestive enzyme called papain present in papayas helps break down tough protein fibers and aids the natural digestion process.
The fruit’s high water and soluble fiber content also make the digestion process easier. This in turn promotes proper functioning of bowel movements and helps prevent constipation. In addition, the high amount of folate, beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E in papayas can help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

3. Protects Eye Sight
According to a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, eating three or more servings of papaya per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36%, as compared to those who ate less than 1.5 servings daily.
Papaya is good for your eyes due to the presence of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. It also contains the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that provide protection against high energy blue light that can damage the retina of your eyes. They also protect against developing cataracts, glaucoma, and other chronic eye diseases.

4. Helps Treat Arthritis
Papaya contains several anti-inflammatory enzymes that help relieve pain caused by arthritis. The two most unique protein-digesting enzymes present in papaya are papain and chymopapain, which can greatly lower inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
The high content of vitamins A, C, and E, and beta-carotene is also very good at reducing inflammation. According to a study in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, those who do not eat sufficient amounts of vitamin C-rich foods like papaya regularly are more likely to develop arthritis than those who consume such foods on a regular basis.

5. Improves Complexion
Papaya has several healthy components that are great for your skin. Papaya can be used as a face pack to enjoy maximum skin benefits.

When ripe papaya is used as a face pack, it helps open clogged skin pores, which helps treat acne and prevent skin infections. The fermented flesh of papaya can also help dissolve dead skin cells and give you fresh and glowing skin because of papain. It also reduces the signs of aging on the face.

6. Nourishes Hair
Papaya is also very beneficial for your hair. Rich in several minerals, vitamins and enzymes, papaya can boost hair growth and strength. It can also help increase your hair volume by nourishing the hair shaft. Papaya is also used for controlling dandruff.

According to hair experts, the hair benefits from papaya can be obtained by eating the tasty fruit regularly or through regular use of hair care products containing papaya (in the form of fruit extract) as a major ingredient. You can also use papaya leaf extracts as a conditioner to add extra shine to dull, unruly and lifeless hair.

7. Prevents Cancer
There are several important compounds in papaya that can reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancers. The rich antioxidant content, especially lycopene, beta-carotene and carotenoid known as beta-Cryptoxanthin, is particularly beneficial in reducing cancer risk.
The fruit also contains compounds called isothiocyanates that help prevent cancer by eliminating potential carcinogens from the body and enhancing the action of tumor-suppressing proteins. They help inhibit the formation as well as the development of cancer cells.

8. Helps Maintain Healthy Weight
Papayas are high in vitamin A and C, folate, fiber and potassium. These nutrients are good for your health. Moreover, the fruit is rich in fiber that makes you feel fuller for longer and also prevents constipation. A small papaya provides almost 11% of the recommended daily value of fiber required in the diet.

It also has papain, a unique natural enzyme that aids in digestion and promotes faster movement of food through your gut. Poor digestion is often attributed to poor nutrition as well as weight problems. This makes papaya a great aid for weight management.
The fruit is cholesterol free, fat free and very low in calories and therefore it is an excellent food for those on a diet. If you are interested in maintaining a healthy weight, you can eat papayas raw or cooked.

9. Helps Treat Hypertension
Papaya is a good source of potassium, a kind of mineral that counteracts the effects of sodium and helps keep blood pressure levels within a normal range.
This is why health experts recommend that patients suffering from hypertension include papaya in their daily diet. To increase the amount of papaya in your diet, you can add this fruit to salads or spicy salsas.

10. Boosts Immune System

Papaya contains a high amount of vitamin C that helps increase white blood cells and protects cells from free radical damage. Other powerful immune-boosting antioxidant vitamins in papaya are A and E. Both vitamin A and E are required for the proper functioning of a healthy immune system. This makes papaya, very good for those who frequently suffer from colds, coughs or the flu.

Jackfruit Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Jackfruit is a sweet and delicious fruit with many health benefits. It contains high amount of carbohydrate and calorie that provides energy instantly. It is rich in antioxidants which protect from cancer, ageing and degenerative disease.

Due to rich antioxidants, it increases eye vision and protect from cataract and macular degeneration. It is a good source of potassium which maintains fluid and electrolyte level in balance. Also, it improves bone and skin health. So eating jackfruit is a good choice which provides excellent taste, nutrition and health benefits.

Health Benefits of Jackfruit

Immunity: Jackfruit contains an excellent source of Vitamin C. With a high amount of Vitamin C, antioxidants, it increases immune system function. It increases immunity to protect against common diseases like cough, cold and flu. Vitamin C also increases immune system function to protect from infections.

Energy: Jackfruit contains high amount of carbohydrate and calorie. It contains a good amount of simple sugar like fructose and sucrose, thus provide a quick boost of energy. Also, it has no cholesterol content. Thus, it makes the jackfruit more safe and healthy food.

Protect from Cancer: Jackfruit is a rich source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and flavonoid that make it highly beneficial to protect from cancer. Jackfruit contains high amount of antioxidants, which protects from oxygen free radicals. Free radicals are produced due to oxidative stress. These free radicals damage DNA of the cell and turns the normal cell into a cancer cell. But antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and acts as a shield to protect DNA from free radicals. Jackfruit protects from colon, lung and oral cavity cancer.

Maintain Blood Pressure: Jackfruit contains good amount of potassium. Potassium is required to maintain sodium level. Also high potassium is required to maintain fluid level i.e. to balance, electrolyte. Thus, it helps to lower high blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Improve Digestion: Jackfruit contains good amount of dietary fiber, which makes it bulk laxative. Thus, it improves digestion and prevents constipation.

Colon Cancer: Jackfruit contains dietary fats which help to clean toxins from the colon. Thus, it reduces the effects of toxin in the colon and protect from colon cancer.

Eye Health: Jackfruit contains Vitamin A, an important nutrient for eye health. It increases eye vision and protect from free radicals. As it is a rich source of other antioxidants, thus it is highly effective to prevent degeneration of the retina. So jackfruit protect from cataract and macular degeneration.

Skin Health and Ageing: Ageing is caused to natural factor like increase in age. But due to pollution, UV radiation and smoke ageing process has been stimulated at an early age and it is faster than natural. The main cause of ageing is free radical produced in our body due to high oxidative stress caused due to pollution. But antioxidants have proven to destroy these free radicals to slow the ageing process. It has also been found that people eating high antioxidant foods have slow ageing effect than natural. So jackfruit proves best food to slow the ageing process than natural. Also, eating jackfruit keeps skin moisture level high and protect from skin diseases.

Asthma: Jackfruit has been proved beneficial to asthma patients.

Bone Health: Jackfruit contains high amount of calcium, which strengthens and promotes healthy bone. Due to its rich calcium it proves best food to prevent osteoporosis. High potassium decreases the loss of calcium through kidney. So it increases calcium density in bone and strengthens it.

Anemia: Jackfruit contains vitamins like Vitamin A, C, E, K, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 and minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium which are important for blood formation.  Also, due to rich Vitamin C, jackfruit increases body capacity to absorb iron. Thus it is effective to prevent and cure anemia.

Monday, 8 December 2014

10 Amazing Health & Nutritional Benefits of Figs

It is a pear shaped delicious fruit that belongs to mulberry family. In fact, it actually can be considered as their grandparent, Fig is a very ancient fruit.  It is largely cultivated in USA and Spain. There are many nutritional benefits of figs and they are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients. It can be grown in gardens and the fruits are borne twice a year, which is in summer and spring. Figs can be enjoyed both in the fresh or dry state. It has a sweet aroma and you can enjoy eating it fresh and tastes good if it is kept cold. It looks leathery from outer part and contains various club shaped ovaries inside it. Figs have different shapes and colors like white, black and red.

Nutritional Benefits of Figs:

Figs are good during pregnancy
Figs contain a good amount of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, which are necessary nutrients during pregnancy. These are rich in fiber and alkaline in nature that benefits during pregnancy. This is why nutritional benefits of figs are good for pregnant women.

It cures acne
Figs can cure acne due to its fiber and mineral contents. If you apply the mashed figs over your face for 20 minutes to dry that gives best results against acne. These are also helpful in anti-aging that keeps your skin better and wrinkle free. So respect the great uncle “Fig” and start using it on your face!

Helps to control heart rate and blood pressure
Dried figs contain a large amount of calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, iron, selenium and zinc. As potassium helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure, copper also produces red blood cells. The nutritional benefits of figs are helpful for heart patients. Iron helps the body in cell formation and cellular oxidation.

Prevents constipation
Figs are rich in fiber. The fiber present helps in preventing and curing constipation and keeps your stomach healthy. High fiber contents along with an electrolyte property help the body in this case.

It is helpful in diabetes
Some of the health benefits of fig are great! Figs are helpful in diabetes and so does the fig leaves. The leaves try to minimize the need of insulin in the body for the diabetes patients. You can ingest them in your body which is very helpful. Figs also balance the blood sugar level that helps you maintain a good health.

It is helpful in morning sickness
Figs contain a large amount of vitamin C that helps you to overcome morning sickness. It refreshes and delights your mood. So you can have it daily in your breakfast which comes with healthy properties and it also tastes good enough that to lighten up your mood.

It keeps your mouth healthy
The nutritional benefits of figs can be very helpful to the people who suffer from a stinking mouth problem. The fig leaves are very good for mouth. If you chew 2 to 3 leaves and after that gargle with water it helps you overcome bad breath. Mouth ulcer is also cured by this process. Presence of Vitamin B keeps your mouth healthy and cures many kind of mouth diseases.

Figs keep you healthy
Figs contain a good amount of dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins and most importantly the antioxidants that protect you from diseases. All the nutrients give sufficient diet to the entire body for a whole day. It is also very low in calories which help you remain healthy.

It helps you in losing weight
Figs nutritional benefits can help you in losing weight as it contains a good amount of soluble dietary fiber that helps the body lose weight. It is also a low calorie content food which keeps body slim.

It helps in metabolism of carbohydrates
The nutrition facts of Figs are very good, they contain a good quantity of Vitamin B6 compounds that are niacin, pyridoxine, folates and pantothenic acid that are the cofactors for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Health Benefits of Raspberry

Raspberries are among the healthiest food that proves beneficial to health. It is raspberry health benefits and nutritionally beneficial due to its dense nutrient content like antioxidants, phytonutrients, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc. It is effective to prevent damage to DNA cells from free radicals, which are the cause of many health problems like cancer, macular degeneration, cardiovascular health, ageing and many more. It is effective to improve eye vision, immunity, increase blood formation and promote healthy weight loss.

Increase Immunity: Raspberry contains a good amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases immunity to fight cold, flu and infections.

Cancer: Raspberry is effective against cancer due to its rich antioxidant content. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Carotenes. These antioxidants provide the raspberry anti-cancerous property. Cancer cells are formed due to free radical produced due to oxidative stress. But antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and protect from cancer. ORAC value (Oxygen Radiance Absorption Capacity) of raspberry is 4900 micro-moles per 100 grams. So it is effective to protect against cancer and tumor.

Eye Health: Eating raspberry improves eye vision. Since raspberry is rich in antioxidants, it protects the eye retina from oxidative stress. So it is effective in preventing the loss of eye vision or macular degeneration.

Ageing: Early ageing is common due to increase in pollution, UV rays, smoke and stress. Due to this factor oxidation stress is stimulated which produce free radicals. These free radicals are harmful to the body. But raspberries are rich in antioxidants, which neutralize these free radicals. Thus, it protects the body from free radicals, which cause ageing.

Inflammation: Raspberry is rich in phytonutrient, antioxidants and tannins, which proves effective to prevent inflammation of stomach, intestine and cardiovascular system.

Diabetes: Raspberry stimulates body to produce an adiponectin to maintain sugar and insulin level in type 2 Diabetes patients. Thus, it prevents the spike of blood sugar level in diabetes patient and prevents complications due to sugar level spike.

Healthy Weight Loss: Raspberry ketone found in the raspberry is effective to burn fat stored in the abdominal region. Thus, this reduces the fat deposit and also reduces the fat storage in the abdomen. It is also effective as it reduces the capacity of the body to absorb excess fat. So raspberry is effective to burn fat and promotes healthy weight loss.

Blood Formation: Raspberry is rich in copper, which increase the production of red blood cells.

Maintain cardiovascular health: Raspberry is rich in potassium which helps to maintain the heart beat and blood pressure.

Women’s health: It is good for promoting women’s health. Eating raspberry decrease menstrual flow during the menstrual cycle, reduce pain during childbirth, prevents hemorrhage, relieve nausea and good for lactating mothers.