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Wednesday 3 December 2014

Health Benefits of Raspberry

Raspberries are among the healthiest food that proves beneficial to health. It is raspberry health benefits and nutritionally beneficial due to its dense nutrient content like antioxidants, phytonutrients, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc. It is effective to prevent damage to DNA cells from free radicals, which are the cause of many health problems like cancer, macular degeneration, cardiovascular health, ageing and many more. It is effective to improve eye vision, immunity, increase blood formation and promote healthy weight loss.

Increase Immunity: Raspberry contains a good amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases immunity to fight cold, flu and infections.

Cancer: Raspberry is effective against cancer due to its rich antioxidant content. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Carotenes. These antioxidants provide the raspberry anti-cancerous property. Cancer cells are formed due to free radical produced due to oxidative stress. But antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and protect from cancer. ORAC value (Oxygen Radiance Absorption Capacity) of raspberry is 4900 micro-moles per 100 grams. So it is effective to protect against cancer and tumor.

Eye Health: Eating raspberry improves eye vision. Since raspberry is rich in antioxidants, it protects the eye retina from oxidative stress. So it is effective in preventing the loss of eye vision or macular degeneration.

Ageing: Early ageing is common due to increase in pollution, UV rays, smoke and stress. Due to this factor oxidation stress is stimulated which produce free radicals. These free radicals are harmful to the body. But raspberries are rich in antioxidants, which neutralize these free radicals. Thus, it protects the body from free radicals, which cause ageing.

Inflammation: Raspberry is rich in phytonutrient, antioxidants and tannins, which proves effective to prevent inflammation of stomach, intestine and cardiovascular system.

Diabetes: Raspberry stimulates body to produce an adiponectin to maintain sugar and insulin level in type 2 Diabetes patients. Thus, it prevents the spike of blood sugar level in diabetes patient and prevents complications due to sugar level spike.

Healthy Weight Loss: Raspberry ketone found in the raspberry is effective to burn fat stored in the abdominal region. Thus, this reduces the fat deposit and also reduces the fat storage in the abdomen. It is also effective as it reduces the capacity of the body to absorb excess fat. So raspberry is effective to burn fat and promotes healthy weight loss.

Blood Formation: Raspberry is rich in copper, which increase the production of red blood cells.

Maintain cardiovascular health: Raspberry is rich in potassium which helps to maintain the heart beat and blood pressure.

Women’s health: It is good for promoting women’s health. Eating raspberry decrease menstrual flow during the menstrual cycle, reduce pain during childbirth, prevents hemorrhage, relieve nausea and good for lactating mothers.

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